News Releases
October 15, 2007
Nachi-Fujikoshi launches the MICRO FINISHER MF650, a machining system for high precision surface finishing
Can be flexibly applied to mixed-line productions of components such as engine production lines

1. Outline of the MICRO FINISHER Series
Nachi-Fujikoshi's MICRO FINISHER machining system can provide super accurate finishing surface and rounding of cylindrical shapes by applying high-speed polishing with abrasive-coated polishing film that is pressed by a shoe. The series currently offers on the market three machining system models. They have been used in the finishing process for engine components such as crankshafts and are highly evaluated by our customers.
The newly developed MICRO FINISHER MF650 model can greatly improve productivity and lower costs through its energy and space-saving features. It also has the unique function of flexibility to serve on the min-edmixedcomponent lines.
The newly developed MICRO FINISHER MF650 model can greatly improve productivity and lower costs through its energy and space-saving features. It also has the unique function of flexibility to serve on the min-edmixedcomponent lines.
2. Characteristics of the MICRO FINISHER MF 650
(1) High precision and highly efficient surface finishing
- While improvingreducing the surface roughness, it works on shaping-correctioncorrect shaping such as roundness and straightness.
(the Ffinish roughness: Ra0.04 micrometers or less and / the Ffinish roundness: 1.5 micrometer sor less.)
(2) Energy and space saving and less burden on the environment
- Drastically save reduces the space by downsizing the machining system and the accessories
(such as hydraulic and coolant equipments.)
Required floor space: 5.6 square meters. (10.2 square meters is required for a conventional type.)
Weight: 4 tons, that is 45% less than that 7 tons of a conventional type (7 tons). - Power consumption is reduced by approximately 50% due to the hydraulic unit and coolant system developed and produced within Nachi-Fujikoshi.
Volume of the hydraulic unit: 20 litters or 50% less than 40 litters required the for conventional system.
Volume of the coolant: 185 litters, or 40% less than 300 litters required for the conventional system.
Required power: 5.6 kVA. (The conventional system requires 11.6kVA.)
(3) Flexibility that can serve for the mixed-line production
It is very flexible for a quick changes of work satisfying the customers' needs for a mixed-lines production of the many different machining processes.
- MF650 can automatically switch the film pitches.
- The area of the machining tools loaded with the film is bind into a cassette to shorten the time to change the tools required for different workpieces.
(4) Basic specification
- The Rrequired system size: 1,500 mm (width) x 1,600 mm (height) x 3,700 mm (depth)
- The maximum number of the tool-cassettes to be loaded: 11
- Scope of the applicable work specification (in case of the crankshaft)
- Length: 350 mm to 650 mm
- Width: 15 mm to 50 mm
- Maximum diameter: 95 mm
- Supported pitch: 31mm to 51.5 mm
3. Business target of the MICRO FINISHER Series
With the newly launched MF650 as a the core of the MICRO FINISHER Seriesseries, we will develop our market access in the construction and other industrial machine machinery area fields in addition to developing customers in the global automobile industry. By 2010, we aim to increase the total sales of MICRO FINISHER series to 160% of that of the presentcurrent sales.
<Annual sales of the MICO FINISHER Series>
Estimated in 2007: 2.5 billion yen.
The targetTarget sales in 2010: 4 billion yen.
<Annual sales of the MICO FINISHER Series>
Estimated in 2007: 2.5 billion yen.
The targetTarget sales in 2010: 4 billion yen.