News Releases
Nachi-Fujikoshi Launches the CZ10 Collaborative Robot on the Market
1. Expanding the Collaborative Robot Market
With the aim of addressing the sharp rise in personnel expenses, eliminating labor shortages and boosting productivity in the fields of industrial machinery such as automobiles, electrical machinery, electronics and EMS, and across a wide range of industrials from foods to pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, efforts to achieve automation with the introduction of robots are well underway.
In this environment, collaborative robots that allow a person to work side-by-side with a robot without the use of safety barriers enable the development of flexible production lines with a minimal footprint. Accordingly, these kinds of robots are expected to be adopted in industries that have not taken advantage of the technology previously and by small-to-medium-sized enterprises, suggesting that the size of the market will undergo significant expansion in the future.
2. Our Initiatives
Nachi-Fujikoshi makes its full-scale entry into the compact robot market in 2013. In the time since, we have continued to expand and update our lineup, amassed expertise in the utilization of compact robots and worked on the development, improvement and functional enhancement of collaborative robots.
Recently we launched the CZ10, a compact collaborative robot offering vastly improved safety and operability, along with advancements based on our pursuit of higher precision. The robot will satisfy automation needs across a wide range of fields, including customers who have been unfamiliar with robots to date.
3. Features of the CZ10

(1) Exceptional Safety Performance
With a safety design that meets the ISO10218-1 and TS15066 international safety standards, it is possible for a person to work side-by-side with the robot without the need for a safety barrier.
In functional terms, the robot detects contact with a person and shuts down or moves away in response. In terms of design, the robot is designed to maintain a certain distance between its arms and other components to avoid a person’s finger or other body part getting caught between moving parts, thus ensuring safety.
Until now, areas such as food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics and the assembly of components have been handled with production lines of people working in close proximity. As CZ10 robots can be introduced without requiring major production line design changes, automation can be achieved in a flexible and speedy way.
(2) Operability that Matches Expectations
The CZ10 is equipped with linear motion, which has been difficult to set up with existing direct teaching methods, and a new direct teaching feature that enables teaching with the hands maintaining a given orientation. Additionally, by adopting the same design as conventional industrial robots where the wrist and pivot are arranged along the same straight line, we have pursued operability that will appear to a wide range of customers regardless of their experience controlling robots.
In the areas of electric machinery and electronics with their short product lifecycles, production lines undergo frequent changes. By enabling swift programming such as direct teaching and simple setup, even these industries are able to shorten line start-up times and improve production efficiency.
(3) High-precision Positioning Control
Sensors are equipped not only in the motor but in the reducer to achieve high-precision positional control. Accordingly, precise tasks previously performed by experienced workers are also supported.
4. Release Schedule
(1) Release Date: August 2018
(2) Price: Open Pricing
(3) Target Sales: 2,400 units / year
5. Contact for Inquiries Regarding the New Product
Robot Business Planning Department, Robot Division, Tel: +81-(0) 76-423-5135